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Prevent Mosquito Bites Naturally

Aedes albopictus feeding

Make your own chemical-free natural mosquito repellent. 

Mosquito bites are not only annoying, it could also bring about dangerous illnesses such as Dengue virus, Zika virus, and even Malaria.

There are a lot of ways to stave off mosquitoes, but mostly those are ridden with dangerous chemicals. But there are natural options.

Tip Hero shared a fancy-looking solution. Exterminator       

“Nothing ruins a summer BBQ or picnic like an invasion of mosquitos. For an all-natural way to get mosquitos off the guest list at your next outdoor gathering try this simple Mosquito Repellant Mason Jar. The active ingredient is Lemon Eucalyptus Oil which is recommended by the CDC as an effective all-natural bug repellant.”


Get rid of mosquitoes without chemicals

Natural News meantime says that Lemon Eucalyptus oil is a great mosquito repellent.

“One very effective essential oil for mosquito repellent is lemon eucalyptus oil. This safe, natural plant oil contains p-menthane-diol, a plant compound that has been proven to be more effective than the leading chemical alternative, DEET (diethyltoluamide). This is great news for those who want to repel mosquitoes without poisoning their own bodies. (DEET is a chemical poison in itself and can cause severe allergic reactions.)”



Tip Nut for its part shared recipes for natural repellents.

“if you’re interested in experimenting with homemade mosquito repellents, here are a few different recipes that you can try. Most of these have been sent in by readers and they’re all easy enough to make (thank you for sharing guys!). A few are made with assorted essential oils but there is one shared by Jennifer that uses simple ingredients (garlic cloves, mineral oil, water and lemon juice) so the expense is really minimal.”


How do you prevent mosquito bites in your home?